
The smiths of destiny - ANNOUNCEMENT

Dear Readers, Please Always use my other blogs and places Where I'll publish my work In the future New songs and so on are already available at: This blog: I think will become obsolete...    

A film I want you to watch - H1

  A film I want you to watch - H1 (Written: 28.5.2024 - 1.6.2024) There's a film A film I want you to watch As soon as you're able Beware! It might possibly trigger Your subconscious Your deepest memories Your hardest emotions So please Keep it absolutely safe See it when you are feeling well In a safe environment When you watch You must do it From the very start Of the film's intro Until the very last moment When the last written words About the actors and production Finish No skipping is allowed You may pause it But if you can You should watch it in one take Replaying is allowed Be sober Gift yourself so much time Do it all alone No other person present Without of any distractions Whatsoever Quiet the phones and everything But be safe Be safe Be as much silent as possible And live it through and through Do not spoil it Do not read anything Don't ask anybody About what this film is Just listen to me And watch it whole Every scene The film is "All Is Lost" Wit

On Saint Valentine's Day

  On Saint Valentine's Day (Written 14.2.2024...) After I awoke I knew it was something What I didn't know yet Then it suddenly occurred to me I dreamt about You This morning (!?) My eyes brimmed with tears For... Finally you were here Finally you came <3 After all this time Could there ever be a better day To dream-meet You Than on Saint Valentine's Day? --- We sat on a bench and Most surprisingly You spoke to me In my language Your pronunciation was solid good --- ... ... I know you are far away Like some other Galaxy It seems to me But you do exist Something changed in December Am I really traveling to you Since 2012 Or did it start even before Without me knowing it (?) I wonder Universe tested me Numerous times It wouldn't send me otherwise I expect Oh you know who I am Soft sand keeps your feet safe Before and After I'm coming In the name of The Higher Love That is my only wish now What else could I ask for? Than... When I lay my hand onto you... Oh... That

When The Red Dragon Came By

  When The Red Dragon Came By  (Written 21.11.2023 - 15.12.2023) ### ### ### INTRO My happy little 32/33 i.e. 11 <3 This song has Magic properties... ----- But it still Probably needs something To be sure... To recheck and... Uhhh... I'll see in a few days time... No time now... ----- *** True True True Sacred Absolutely True Song *** A Focal Point Where It Seems Like Everything Meets Much More Than What Can Even I Grasp At The Moment This was meant to be published On 11th but it simply Hasn't been ready Nothing is ready... Until It Is Ready! *** I can't in fact believe! That this...this... This ohh That This Song At last came out!? But only as one part of it For now In fact I intended to publish Something else Before this one But I guess It has to be this way!? I can't wait Can't wait Absolutely Can't! For You To See It!! :')) ...And can't wait For the time when you see The rest of what will yet come *** Your Spirit Will Be So... Like A Over-saturate

One Touch

  One Touch (Written 11.8.2023 - 02.11.2023) --- --- --- -- Ain't It Strange? When One Enjoys Another Suffers Life Is Strange Life Is So Strange --- --- --- -- ... ... ... .. Yes "I Am Blind" Is that what you want? ***Open-Minded Understanding*** Is that what you need? *** Love To Feel Really Really Really Strong *** You Very Well Know You'll Do *Whatever You'll Choose To Do* But Princess I Just Want You To Know *I Will Be Devoted All To You* Let us both always believe "We Are Doing Just Fine" But... Anyway... If She'll ever end up Intoxicated by opportunity Feeling dreamy Compelled to Charm and disarm Drip and fall asleep Knackered Could you ever reassure me If you'd try really hard? ...Can you please teach me How to live with it? How to not look behind Maybe... You would hint To me afterwards When you come back home 'Who Am I - Really To You' 'What You Want Me To Do' Or something else... ...You'd be spinning on your mind I d

Signs - The Full Moon Story

Signs - The Full Moon Story (Written 29.5.2023 - 02.07.2023) (Updated photo & info 3.7.2023) Sometimes... When you try and you try But you simply can't get through... Because nothing you do Seems good enough For whatever the reason may be Luckily We still have Great Friends Or we only think of them In that way... And sometimes... Just some - times... When they see our struggle As if...or Maybe... Who knows... Just maybe... ;-) They simply write it for us To help us (!?) Or something else Happens Sometimes... Who knows? Who can explain it all? Who? Depeche Mode - "Never Let Me Go" (Album: Memento Mori, 2023) It always amazes me so much How some *crucial* people Just hand us the answers Just In The Right Time (!?) So... Either Martin is reading my mind Either this is yet another Lucky Coincidence Anyway - Like Synchronized As if - Ordered And... Of course... It is again placed at number 11 "Neever Leet Mee Goo... Neever Leet Mee Goo..." <3 See for yourself

With some help from Above (song sketch)


I got d'nudes (message)

 I got d'nudes (message) (Written 18.3.2023 – 30.3.2023) Feeling Peckish?? Hot Hit! Only until end of March... Or maybe in April too!? While I'm in a good mood... *** D'Nudes Are Available Fresh Over My Email *** (???) No! The Magic Slippers... Are not included... Sorry 'bout that But you'll get a fair deal Hey! Don't be shy now Sip a drink or two, 5 max! :p Indulge a bit You must feel an urge Over your official email And Participate & Anticipate I must verify and approve Because I won't give them otherwise No chance! I have my own reasons... It's just the way it is... Since the very beginning of all time If I do not reply... Try more times And please Calm down! Don't Lose Faith! Waaaait... LOL I'm not glued to my email Maybe I even in the meanwhile Forgot the name of it Or it's password Spam gets automatically deleted And so on Anyway, if you're hungry like a wolf Which obviously some of you are Because you said so... (Did you not?)

‘Falling in Love’ - Magic Playlist

  ‘Falling in Love’ - Magic Playlist (Compiled & Written 26.7.2022 – 30.3.2023) 45 songs Mostly Croatian, or ex Yugoslavia area And few from other areas… *** *** *** ** IMPORTANT: (Maybe best open this page in 2 instances One for what you are now reading and the second for the Playlist which is lower So you can just swipe and scroll through the list And see it directly as you’re reading about it here) Have in mind that this list was not pre-made in any particular order Or with any ranking in mind... Compiling was not done without… Mixing, putting some songs somewhere in the middle of the list and so on ### I added the numbers in front of the songs only when I finished the compiling of the list! ### I am amazed to see again, that sometimes numbers 9 and 11 just align themselves By some unknown but so Powerful Force - CRUCIALLY! It just makes your eyes water… The Force Aligns The Crucial Pieces – All By Itself *** There is no point for us doing it deliberately – just let it be as it

Green Scarab

  Green Scarab "Zeleni Skarabej" Now also in English version! "Green Scarab" *** *** *** ** First things first: 1.Be serious! Hide yourself! 2.Don't let others see you ...Crying like a rainy year! 3.If you are up high... First prepare the buckets! Just in case... ( Four big buckets should suffice!? You don't want to make A flood downstairs... Now... Do you? ;-) :P 6.4. <3 *** *** *** ** ### ### ### ## Green Scarab She smiles to me Or smiles to another Surprised All innocently proud On such an emotion Few moments later Because she has breathed in - the whole self Into a song for which she knows It lures 'the tears of love' So much it means to me That what I have never What I cannot find She smiles to me Like an Angel From across the largest sea Oh how that

Internal Tug Of War

  Internal Tug Of War Reconciliation of Respect and Adoration With Power and Lust Is Never Easy Sweetest lips beg For a Confrontation But the Admiration trips It's foot in front of An enchanted Body Head understood well The playfulness of The Euphoric Moment So It Rewinds the tape In a Loop But The Heart Shall not cut the restraints Not to spoil The Utter Perfection In feared Absence Or Slight Imperfection Lives a Reason For Him To Reaffirm Her The Truth *** *** The Key Of All Keys Unlocks All The Doors Where Hurts The Most It Always Fits Perfectly Without Exemption *** *** Nothing ever bursts As Blissfully Like when it All Nestles At the Right Places Internal Tug of War Is a Game Which Heart Must Win -------------------------------------------- (Written 6.3.2023 – 8.3.2023) (Updates are still possible) -------------------------------------------- *** *** *** ** (Think about it, Mini)

Hardest-Sweetest Love Dilemma

  Hardest-Sweetest Love Dilemma Absorbingly Beautiful Of Gentlest Kind I like them all So much *** *** Is it allowed Not to love them all? Is it forbidden To love them all? *** *** Will something bad happen To me If I let them all Carry on With their Soothing Verses If I do not know how... If I try... Is it fair and sane Towards me To summon so many Ardent Beauties One Sweeter Than Another At once And expect of me... What... To make a unanimous decision? Seriously? When I see the tiniest of traces Size of a sand Then I suspect It Was Really Her Doing What should I think of it? What should I feel of it? I guess it will Crystallize The more I try to make A sound conclusion The closer I get The deeper I'm being sent Into these Unbelievably Overwhelming Heavens Where All Is Possible Like on that special day ...That Special God Sent Day And I know... Any ma

Happy Weeks

 Happy Weeks Flames are licking my feet Devouring my legs Running higher One Full Moon Two Indicating Stripes Now again Same Old Moon Another Pair Silly me And Sillier them Two Moons For... Four stripes One to grab One to cherish Times two And More... I'm burning My heart will certainly explode In the Most Colorful Spectacle I swear I will burst all over them My Love might splatter All over The Planet (You might even like it) Their energies are flowing like crazy I smell their presence All I want - is to make them happy I do not know yet how but... I just want to make them happy Those sweeter & gentler... Would simply hold Keep 'em warm and safe Until they'd turn into a Most Delicious Honey Silent Eagerness isn't harmful Blind Infatuation isn't hard Petting is not frustrating (Fingers snap) ‘Love’ Knows No Tension We are just Now and Here There is no rush We don't need to do anything Or to ruin everything (Fingers snap) ‘Imagine’... We are just sailing No si


  DON’T SLEEP !!! Don’t sleep Don’t sleeeep Just wait Just waait Just waaaaaait ‘Cause tonight I’m gonna kidnap your little heart!!! :D !? :O I mean… You can wind up the old mechanical clock to wake U up with the ringing - rattling… Few hours from now on... But what worth would that be? When you know you wouldn’t sleep anyway!!! I’m running towards you at full speed Just you fear now...watching left and right where you could… You cannot escape me!!! Not this time!!! No! No! No! My arms are too long and too strong Open wide apart as I run!!! When I grab you You can bite, struggle, scream, kick and whistle for help all you want I’m gonna kidnap your Heart!!! I SWEAR!!! :D :D :D :D :D 4 new songs – in few hours!!!