‘Falling in Love’ - Magic Playlist (Compiled & Written 26.7.2022 – 30.3.2023) 45 songs Mostly Croatian, or ex Yugoslavia area And few from other areas… *** *** *** ** IMPORTANT: (Maybe best open this page in 2 instances One for what you are now reading and the second for the Playlist which is lower So you can just swipe and scroll through the list And see it directly as you’re reading about it here) Have in mind that this list was not pre-made in any particular order Or with any ranking in mind... Compiling was not done without… Mixing, putting some songs somewhere in the middle of the list and so on ### I added the numbers in front of the songs only when I finished the compiling of the list! ### I am amazed to see again, that sometimes numbers 9 and 11 just align themselves By some unknown but so Powerful Force - CRUCIALLY! It just makes your eyes water… The Force Aligns The Crucial Pieces – All By Itself *** There is no point for us doing it deliberately – just let it be as...