A film I want you to watch - H1
A film I want you to watch - H1
(Written: 28.5.2024 - 1.6.2024)
There's a film
A film I want you to watch
As soon as you're able
It might possibly trigger
Your subconscious
Your deepest memories
Your hardest emotions
So please
Keep it absolutely safe
See it when you are feeling well
In a safe environment
When you watch
You must do it
From the very start
Of the film's intro
Until the very last moment
When the last written words
About the actors and production
No skipping is allowed
You may pause it
But if you can
You should watch it in one take
Replaying is allowed
Be sober
Gift yourself so much time
Do it all alone
No other person present
Without of any distractions
Quiet the phones and everything
But be safe
Be safe
Be as much silent as possible
And live it through and through
Do not spoil it
Do not read anything
Don't ask anybody
About what this film is
Just listen to me
And watch it whole
Every scene
The film is
"All Is Lost"
With Robert Redford
From 2013
As the years go by
You'll have enough of time
To think about it
Soon afterwards or
Years later
Who knows
There might arrive
A precious time
To Understand