Easter Special - 2022

Easter Special - 2022


Three parts only!

<No sleep at all, mistakes are possible, you've been warned...>

Pour your drinks, have your handkerchiefs close...and... Enjoy... :')




The Present ('Dar') (song)

(Started 13.4.2022...)

Look up up up

Hiiiiiiiiigh above you


Who ever made someone sooo Happy?

They can't possibly Ever Imagine!

Not even in a Zillion Years

It's all top secret hush hush now

So take it easy Amiga...

Don't fire all the munition in one round

You'll kill the innocent foreign gringo man

Can't you see that...

You Are THE Present, Silly? :*)

What else can a man ask for?

When you are a

Dream Come True


Ti si Dar s Neba, Ludo...



He's always one bit late to the party, isn't he? lol

I mean REALLY...


How come...

While you were here he was waitin' for ya meticulously, in the wrong place...Again lol

Why are you non stop here when he was coolin' all the time on the funny page and found you are sadly not there??

You are again peeking behind the wrong tree? Cheeky little...Why are you constantly hiding...??? LOL

He told me in a peculiarly whispering secretive confidence, he's not going anywhere anytime soon ;-)

Now - don't you bite your nails about that - if you can...

(Sorry, I can't help ya)


PS. He also told me only way he will ever do it is for 'you to send him - what you asked for' (??)

Apparently you can send, whatever that is, secretly & incognito (if you're afraid) because he will obviously never tell anybody anyway...

So he can do it instead and you have to waaait.

I suppose, really waaaaaait...

He's not the fastest man on Earth, let's that be clear'ed!

(He mumbled something about


(Whatever all of that means!?)

Not even me he would ever tell what he's up to!

I'm sorry to admit but...

It looks to me

You both are totally crazy (!?)

Never will I understand why I agreed and said 'yes' to help you better 'comprende' each other...

It's hopeless!

The lot of you are crazy like...Bats!!! ;O




Song Wannabe (aka: 'Bats') (song)

(Started 15.4.2022..)

Can you please forgive me

For saying nothing?

I don't know how...

(I must be having a severe writer's block attack or something weirder)


I'm soo dreamy and too sleepy

In my mind I'm simply


Standing with you

In a most beautiful wordless hug

Our Souls melting together

Like Rain and Sun


Is this a Fairy tale I'm feeling right now?

Or am I daft for thinking so?

Probably the latter.

I wonder for days...

How could I ever explain to you

And is there any point to try?



Words don't come easy

When you need them...

And Head can't comprehend

It seems like - anything at all

Have you ever noticed that

You can put just a few words

In an almost infinity

Of combinations?

And you will get different meanings! :O


Would you somehow...

Dream-whisper to me...

Is your...

Body hurting for a gentle skin on skin touch

And does your

Mind seeks almost studio silence now

And is perhaps

Your Soul too, craving Higher Love


All, like mine?

I'm dying to know...


Can we please stay

In a dream come true

For never-too-many days







Holding each other tightly


Or am I again acting cheesy?

Ohhh how will I ever explain to you

That for me

-->You Are The Present<--

Fallen from Somewhere High High Above

When the right words

Refuse to show up

How will I ever do that?

How can I ever explain to you

You are That Present

Most Beautiful Present

That makes me the Happiest Man

And I again feel ashamed and scared

Of feeling sooo Happy!

I simply can't explain

And it makes me


At the moment...

I'm embarrassed and unworthy

I'm not ready I guess...

For any new presents.....

I have no idea how to Describe

The state of my mind

I dunno

Can I please instead

Send something to you?


You let me know - where

And waaaaaaaaait

'Cause it probably won't arrive too fast...

Do it in silence


For we do not want - for anyone to know...

So please let me know...where


It will be only our little Secret...


Anything I could say seems wrong

And not good enough

(In this song)


I need you

I need you


I need one long lasting pure hug

To cleanse me

From all of the poison

I've been subjected to

Through years

I'm offering more than the same

I wonder and I pray

If only it could be you


You have that little something

Possibly Golden Heart


Or even Scared

I can sense it

So here it is...

Please understand...

***You are The Present, Silly!***

And you can be forever

Or not to be

Of not to be or to be

You choose whatever you want

You can't possibly ever imagine

How I feel

It is also something super hot

To be able to throw

An warrior axe like you can

I'm not scared at all...j - j - just...

Do you practice it very often

Or is it in your blood??? LOL

Anyone can offer me even right now

Billions of Opals in exchange

'to forget you'

And I most likely wouldn't take it... (:O ???)

That clearly proves how stubborn and invincible I am lol

I know, I know, I know...

If it seems crazy it must be crazy...


Bats!!! LOL

I'm willingly taking the risk...

Therefore, we are BATS!

Are We Not!?


Oh I seeee... So you intimately think you are at least one bit in a better state of confusion than me? Ok! ...Ok! That's fine! I can live with that fact. Jump into a well and hope for the best. Sure, why not? LOL)


So the song let be known as from now on as:


Or perhaps...

If you prefer we can call it rather...

"Amiga chasin' foreign Gringo man" lol

(Curka lovi stranog Gringosa...)

I promise I will repay.

Hold me for it.

Will do a Little Miracle with it if it happens



This one is almost like a disaster!

No way it can ever end up like that and survive on alternative radi-o!




Osmi Putnik feat. Doris Dragovic - Tajna (Official Video)

Here, you have even the Croatian subtitles. Old song but new video and new singers...

Hard to catch up because both are roaring almost at the same time!

Tajna = Secret




Other names:

(Original working title:

Can you please forgive me For saying nothing? )

1. Bats

2. Amiga chasin' foreign Gringo man

3. Song Wannabe xx this one prob.





Baby, how should I feel about you? (song) (Started 16.4.2022...)

Now I wonder

When have you intended to tell me?

If - Ever? :O

Baby I think about you

I feel unstable

So pardon the name if it 'sounds'

Blame the early morning mood

I started to doubt

How should I feel about you?

Should I be happy?

Am I allowed to feel happy?

Was that a Miracle that I've found you or what?

'Cause you see...I think ...It was...

9 billion people is a pretty big 'haystack' don't you think?


Maybe you never wanted it to happen?

Maybe I should've not tried so hard to find you?

Should I apologize?

So...am I allowed to think...

That you are The Present?

'Cause you see, Baby - I never ever chased girls for their possessings or what not

I always stupidly dreamt about Hearts of Gold

And that's hard job

Only rare ones find rare ones

As you are aware of it...

It usually gets you nowhere...

I know, I know, I know...

Please forgive me...

Are we people...

***True or Fake***

That is the whole Question!

That's why Sincere Hearts are Priceless

Baby I want to hug you right now, right now...

Right now!!!

I never was meant for fast 'one night love's'

I can't do that :(

I can't jump and play a monkey

Not my style

I'm old stuff

Tough and dirty

I act softly but my spine is sturdy

So yeah I do think...

You Are The Present from Somewhere High High Above

Not a Prize

You are a Present

A Shy Beam Of Light...

Through dense trees

I tried and I tried and I tried

And I tried...

You can't offer me anything more expensive or beautiful than the piece of your Heart...

It's all pale and insignificant...

Do I sound weird?

See, I simply don't fall for it

I can't explain

Presents are beautiful but Hearts are what counts

If I'm lucky

And I certainly felt so in these past days

I don't want ever to exchange you for any amount of bloody money

I can't do that...

I'm rambling again...

This is probably my 10-th version of never intended to be published - ramblings...lol

God, I want to hold you in my arms for at least 24 hours and see what happens...

No words

Clothes on

You got something inside...

It's driving me crazy

So when I see you radiate like that I want so badly to somehow make that 'key' piece of you, really happy.

If only I could discover how!

That's what matters to me.

I'd trade mine for yours any time, any time!



How deep it can all go?

Am I on the very edge

Of my mind

For wanting to know how

To awake

Tears of Pleasure

In your seeing-through eyes???

Oh I must be!!!



And let us be fair

You did that to me

You may not understand it or admit it to yourself...


Now you know what you really are

You are The Present, Silly!

If it looks like it then it must be!?

Now you are maybe thinking to yourself

"What the heck - how did I end up here? :O What will I do now huh uh? :D"

Sorry I can't help you with that lol

Little One, I don't need any other Present, trust me...

I can't take it...

Believe me I can't!!!

I can't ask or take more at the moment

That's how I feel

My Heart is Full to The Brim!!!

(At last I found some words to express myself)

If I ever happen to manage to do the same for you then...

We will be so Lucky


You may leave

It is not an obligation

It is not a self made trap

You've got your own crazy rules

Girl, I got mine

While you are here maaaybe consider to 'do yourself only a small mistake' lol...

Open the door and show him just a tiny part of your heart...tiny part...

Just one cell where you perhaps need mending...so he can investigate the matter better! ;-))

As you see the man ain't no big wolf and have no big teeth...so what can you lose?

(Don't do it, Do it, Don't do it, Do it...(lol))

Isn't quite how I intended it all to be but huh I tried...

Happy!? :))

The worst of all I'm afraid you're possibly really Golden... :')


So whatever happens, Silly...

Happy Easter <3

Happy You and Me lol

Happily Ever






Djordje Balasevic - "Baby Blue" (Official video)


(I slipped 'the words' over my lips this craaaazy morning beside the Easter bonfire...I wasn't thinking and the thought escaped to you...I must be crazy...I must be...or...I don't know...really...really don’t know...)




Copyright © The smiths of destiny / Kovači Sudbine - 2022



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