Achingly Beautiful (demo in progress)

Achingly Beautiful

(Written 10.3.2022 - progress...)

Oh my God

This is so

Achingly Beautiful

Like a Magnetic Lullaby

Drawing me closer

What are you doing to me?

What am I doing to myself?

Why I had to see this?

I can't stand it


I can't stop looking at it

Oh I'm sorry

I am - - - gonna cry

It is not for a man to cry

But I will

Oh I will


Going ages back in time


An overwhelming

Senses challenging

One right after another

"Any Human Heart"

Tv Marathon

Now picture...The Fall



Tall flowery grasses

Shattering To Pieces


Is all you can

Am I gonna die?

Blonde Blue Beautiful

Say I won't die!

If I come closer

Swear I won't die

I can't go any closer

Better scare me away

Admit you want to torture me!

Threaten you want to kill me!

Unstoppable desires spreading from my belly

To all other parts

Like uncontrollable bodyquakes





You are melting me

Making me restless

Your piercing lovely words

Fly through my mind

Like swallows here run through Spring

And if there is a genuine Good

A true Love


For anyone

Or anything at all

In You


I won't survive

I won't sleep anymore

Shameful from me to say:


"I've caught myself in"

Soles of your feet

Are more than a wildest dream

Wouldn't know where or how

To start

And if I ever - Ever

Deserve that much

I'll burst in Heavens

In thousands

Like a rocket


In a New Year's night

It should be forbidden

For a plain man

Such as me

To come close to a sweetest chick

With beautiful shiny feathers

Such as you




You will torture me

You will kill me

...Either way

Achingly Beautiful


Achingly Blue




My heart can't cope with it

Do you understand?

Am I being clear?

My heart really, really can't cope with it

I will tremble

I will shake

I will fall apart


It's in your eyes

It's in your hair

It's in your teeth

It's in your voice

It's in your past

You are sooo Achingly Beautiful

You love nature

Are you simply normal too?

Are you of caring kind too?

Do you have any flaws at all?

Please have mercy

Pleaseee have mercy <hands with fingers crossed in begging position>

I am falling apart

How could I ever compete?

Or compare...

You are way too much

But still I’ve childishly-naively found myself in

I'm being honest

I just wanted to tell you

Don't put a blame on me

Achingly Beautiful

I am falling apart

I don't know what I'm doing

I have no idea what I'm saying

Willingly I swam into a cutest fish – ing - nets


A most famous trap of

Seeing what we want to – See

What will I do?

What - can I do?

Achingly Beautiful

I always - needed someone like You


Entering a Soul

Of a seriously wounded soldier

Preparing the bandages

Glowing with Care

Red Cross up on her sleeve

Soooo Emotional and Warm and Gentle…


Glaring Kindness

**I saw it in your eyes**

I simply cannot handle it

I am unable to process it

As Voice softens into a she-wolf's almost-weep-call

You tear me to pieces

You enter my essence

As vibrations touch my overkeen senses

Fears multiply

Is this a short circuit in my head?

For I know...

If I reach you I might somehow hurt you

If you discard me you might

Erase & ruin me -

Entirely & forever

If - if - if

Avoiding causing Pain

Avoiding being Hurt

Avoiding to Wish

Painfully Beautiful

It hurts so much!

My little presence blooms in silence

Hidden behind protective walls

...For a tiniest possibility

I should run as fast as I can

I should run away


I can't

I can't sleep

I can't think

I can't run

I can’t escape it

Can’t resist it

What should I do?

Why are you so Beautiful?

Why I had to see this?


Why?  <Through almost desperate start of crying>

(I would hug you till death) <very silent, fade>


DEMO in Progress !!!

Written predominantly probably as I remember since 10th to perhaps 15th of 


This will probably need much more work.

Until my mind & eyes bleed…

Possibly I will carve in a few changes...

Still, here it is!

Another crazy one!

Excited? :))


I hope you’ll feel it for what it is!

If I'd be helluva smarter et al. - I would be able to get in and stay


Beauty lies in your eyes

Oh I want...

Lips on the ti-ps

Lips so lightly on your soles

To barely touch them


Barely is when you can’t say for sure if they touched them or not!

So close and so gentle

And that much is Waaaay Too Much!

My God my mood is such I’m gonna climb up to the top of the tallest tree here, and yell whatever comes on my mind - until you can hear it!

These awoken early spring bats must be day-sleeping up there too! Two of them, you know!!

I promise you – I’ve seen them flying!!!


As I’m putting it up on www my heart thumps like craaazy...


  1. "Everything you do is simply kissable!
    Whyyyy can't Iiiii bee youu?"
    (The Cure - 'Why can't I be you?')


    "Ja sada volim vješticu na metli
    Sve druge žene sad za mene su rahmetli"
    (Laka - ‘Vještica’)


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