Deleted messages - message


This is something new to me…but I would die if I wouldn’t ask...

Can you please explain to me why have you deleted my messages on your Instagram?

I’m curious…

Very valid messages.

If you didn’t do it – then ask yourself - who did?

I mean – I said…

Don’t give other designers - the opportunity to ‘clothe’ you as almost naked – because that is clearly not your style!

Only if you want to be wearing these by yourself on a stage - then you can be totally naked if that’s what you want.

But from my viewpoint these are clearly not going along with your style and your usual fashion.

Am I not right?

So I obviously wonder where from these came out of the blue?

Sure, you can wear only sexy panties and ‘see through’ if that is what ‘you’ really want.

Then I misunderstood a situation...and I am really sorry about that...

Generally speaking, additionally, for example who wouldn’t want his girlfriend wearing it – but usually not publicly and particularly not in certain public situations.

I call that: ‘there is a place and time’ for everything or for almost everything...

That is all it is meant, you know?

Huh that is my sin.

I know - I know…

I really do.

I could survive with that.

I’m a sinner – therefore I am.

Maybe you did the mistake, so what?

Maybe it is good that you wore it…?

That would mean I am wrong and haven’t got a clue about today’s fashion...

Maybe it was only a commercial...yeah that one only illuminated on me - only later...

But from my experience it looked very strange!

Not because you are not beautiful or because it doesn’t suit you.

I’m not referring about look at all

Quite the opposite...

It looked strange because it was totally different from your fashion style in such occasions!

It is such a Stark Difference

And that is only a second time.

First was that striped top.

I looked at it and was thinking...hey this is not her, you know?

I said - you can do it more secretly – you know?

Playing on the edge. Edges are what matters.

Put some mystery to it.

Brush some mystery around it.

Imagination will do the rest.

I will guess - like you were already doing anyway by yourself, without these interventions from the outside.

Perhaps it could stand that…

No one needs / deserves to see you 100% naked – apart from the lucky one.

Whoever that might be.

Isn’t that quite interesting thought to have?

Otherwise it is kind of Erotica or something else…

You can come in tatters

In a old patched coat

It is of no difference to a right man

Have you ever thought about that?

(For an example, when they pictured little D crouching and they caught her nickers.

I mean – hey that was so disrespectful from the camera eye...

Because she was not like that.

It shouldn’t be meant for publication at all.

I mean, manners - photographer?

The same goes when they were ‘stinging and biting’ another D until her death.

It is criminal. Nobody stood up to fight against it.

All they had to do was to forbid such nonsense and fine / jail the reporters!

Because that was a severe harassment and so on…

But nobody fu**ing cared. No one! If they did, she’d be here!)

Again, if you want to do it all by yourself then do it by all means!

But do not let others with possibly dubious intentions to sell your body!

That is what I suspected – that’s why I tried to reach you.

Remember, they will sell bodies.

They will abuse bodies and sell while it lasts and then they will discard them like old rags.

Similar beasts destroyed Michael Jackson and many others.

They sell and ruin – it is all they do.

Nothing is sacred to them – nothing!

Maybe you do not care for my fair and valid opinion but you see - I do care for you.

A bit.

And I thank you here if any tiny parts ever were for unknown little man. I really do.

I guess there were a lonely days. I know, you see. I can read in between pages.

I can read even in between books.

I’m thinking, probably, Sinead O’Connor would concur with my thoughts, about being naked - just to give you an example.

Please beware - she is supposedly ‘totally bats’ hehe…

But surprisingly - often pretty normal in a key situations. (!?)

Also, you got an email.

Nice one.

It could be only of interest to you.

Some music with translation.

Very nice one.

It is not in any way obligatory or anything...

I send it on mailing email.

Obviously it got into the spam or somewhere else.

And it is probably gone by now.

Remember, we are living in the hardest times

They will cheat

They will falsely impersonate

They will hack emails

They will hack on the fly

Nothing is sacred to them


They are the evil.

Just be careful – alright?

I’m going to sprinkle my head with loads of ashes now…

Thank you and good night! :)

(written 10 - 11.11.2021)


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