Anyone who consumes this important information before they see my new future single - is immature

Anyone who consumes this important information before they see my new future single - is immature

Final warming!

>>Do not read more

if you did not see

what is to be

my new future single!<<

This part is a joking part.

To laugh at myself.

And to counterbalance...

Our e em emo emotions.

Possibly you will need it later.

Like I did (do) :))

So yeah!

It will punch before the main thing. I find it convenient that way.

I want to split them properly. With care… But it should be read after. You should enjoy it later.

Isn't that obvious!?

Upon nearly finishing my new single...(Fine polishing aside)...

I said to myself...

"Huh I must say this sounds to me very fishy-compromising and sweaty almost"

(I think it goes...)

"With this mint I thee wed"

(The Two Ronnies, "Sweet shop")

Lol Bol Lol Bol

:O :D

Just to cheer things up one bit, you know...

To laugh at myself...

Otherwise my heart is really gonna get me...

...And that is certainly not a joke. So why are you laughing? I was severely shaken by the last earthquake before New Year, also. We were shaken like it is the end of the world. Horrible! And we are somewhat away from the epicentre!

In that case if the Hand of The Earth would smash me, one of these days...some of the girls who might be reading this would probably be like in The Two Ronnies - "Irish pub" version...

"Lord Knows..." & "...who that was at all...snuffed it...

Let's have a pint anyway..."

!? Lol


A wild goose guess that's how much I'd (mess) matter...

Lol Lol

(*That second one is for the interruption)

Later I did a deep search to see if you extra-extraordinary natural English speaker’ would approve my work by any slim chance. To recheck it for sure.

So I ran into...

(Oh yes!?)

"I don't wanna be free"


I'm dying…


Sounds like that girl's gonna chain

For true!?

What a funkin bold statement?

I don't wanna be free!???

(Boy, are you sure?)


I already see the girls devilishly smiling at that one.

Hot hot hot!

Chop-chop mate!

Hand her your life! :D

These two...

Or maybe only one lyricist, who wrote it must have been plastered!

(Very or dead drunk)

But then again, to my surprise I'm only one moment later discovering in my thick head that I’m once more at least partly laughing - at myself!?

(And I am not)

Lol. Flop.

And if you think all of that wasn't funny well...

Then read / play this one:

Vatrogasci - "Ritam iza denser"

Google translator is surprisingly solid good (but not excellent) on this one, so...,566,42639.html

Vatrogasci sometimes use some of their own words, germanisms or who knows...

So it is perhaps one bit like Scots or others when they ‘perform’ their English slang and banter.

One wrong verse could be quickly translated possibly as...

"...Let's dance till the closing time..."

(Fajront (slang) = closing time in a pub, cafe...)


And another wrong one can be translated...

"Disco Jockey plays all of your wishes(requests)..."

As far as I remember I think I don't like just all of their work (due to it’s “sickness” lol) but there are enough of their songs which are really funny and good. Like that one!

They are a Croatian I'd- say-some-kind-of-rock parody band...

Beside this one they covered Queen, Abba and many more...


It's my Life... = To je zivot moj...

I told you so! :D

1*I Know...But if I don’t know yet, then I soon will. Otherwise let me know.*

2**I dedicate this to all those silent members of The Clan**



I’ll have it off

Overheating is bad...

And then I will fall off


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Copyright (c) Kovaci sudbine, The smiths of destiny 2021


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