45. Sublime Nine (demo version)


Sublime Nine

(demo version)

When you're so very content and calm feeling maybe

like you are being protected by your personal Angel

It could be - outside it is falling and inside is warm

and the snow is so pure white

Or early in the Spring when it starts

to grow and dress

Your eyes fill with tears because

beautiful story on the Internet appears

Living is sometimes so funny and easy

when we more enjoy little things and

On a vacation that feeling of happiness

of being alive and being just You

White sunny lights can be so

beautifully overwhelming and often they are

That moment when the sleepy body just goes in

Maybe you dream about it

Maybe you want to touch

Or you want to try

Maybe you can't reach

Maybe even you want to kiss

That something

But for the primal fear that you might somehow spoil it

Your thoughts just fly and they fly

Like a butterfly

From all sides

Caressing that body's outer energetic field

Your thoughts - they feel

You enjoy and you admire

Still, standing strong as the invisible secret Guard

For sure

And you simply give it all your-self without even

really touching it in your mind

And that special "no matter how close or far" some-thing,

whatever it is, is sensing it





(Demo written 9.9.2020 - 10.9.2020)


Have in mind it is a Demo.

Maybe it will stay almost the same, maybe not.

:) That's all Folks!

I got to go...

Everything's gonna be alright...

I need to focus on other life arenas, also :)



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