Magic step you took - message


Hi There!
Good morning!
Oh...Chop-chop! :D
We have no time to lose.
...I know you are sleepy...but...
I have an urge to tell you something...
Yeah I know...
Of all days, yes it happens to be - it is today.

If you thought that "No one will ever notice"
I must say...
I might be late or not - I confess, but since 28.1.2020 when I heard it for the first time - I knew. I know.

Finally when I've been reading with understanding through all of that what you wrote and through some other stuff, I saw why you are close.
You always were.
Truth be told, funnily I was never greatly aware of you as a perrson at all until...that moment.
I was unaware of true you, really.
Because I didn't read nor understand fully.
Now I know so much, much more.
You put a ladybug on my ear.
Impossible not to notice.
It tickled me quite a bit.

I will write something as a proper reply. Probably.
Such is plan but this is just before, for you - to know.

Since 29th I'm trying but...
You know how it is...
Maybe I'm without the right words...
Nothing is good enough...and so on...

(Also I'm yet to fine polish the song I owe in fact...I wrote it before I generally knew what you had ever said and before I've seen about how you think in general, so it is another big surprise...)

...Wise old Owl was Hooting vigorously around the house last evening...H H

So, try and sense.
You simply - try and sense.

The friend in need is a friend indeed. That is alike to what you dear girl, I presume, did for her.
Zoom, focus, gentle focus...all for her.
Barely noticeable, hidden & subtle, but there.
When you add the words and emotions...
Righteous way of caring for those who stood by your side.
Through thick and thin.

When I read and watch with attention - I see.
I spy with a hawk eye.
Like a DCI, nothing I miss.
I do not forget.
Even more so, because such are so rare to find.

Close your eyes.
Try and sense.
(All you want)

When you are ready, please let me know about what is really troubling you.
So we can together try and sort it out.

I already know chunks. I've seen the clues. But you can tell me when you are ready. Have no worry.
Whatever it is it is nothing new.
We all have that in our lives.

The point is...
You are smart and then when you hear someone who is maybe also smart with some similar life experiences, you will easier convince your mind about the positive direction you need to take on your path. And so on...
Also, I'm assuming your advices towards me, hopefully, too.

Close your eyes.
Try and sense.
(All you want)

Lips closer to your ear.
Sounds trying to enter
What do they say?

Was that a...
Was that a wee anticipating smiling wrinkle...?
At a corner, where they part...? :)

Some things are anyway non translatable into words.

I still can't determine the sweetness of it.

It doesn't matter even if it is for someone else.
It doesn't matter for whom it was - in the end.
(Maybe I even made it all up.)
Either way...
It was a magic step that you took.

I'm telling ya...
You little Meadow Girl...
It was a Butteflygirl effect
It was a Butterflyboy effect

The smiths of destiny (c) 2020 / Kovači sudbine (c) 2020


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