43. I'll just adore you, blindly
I'll just adore you, blindly
Call me 'wishful thinker'
But at the moment
You are all I see
Somehow you cure my mornings
Empathy grows from your heart
Since you were a little toddler
So what can I say about you except
Different from the start
Where do I put you?
What do I say?
How do I explain?
You are so far
You are in the future
Looks like I'm falling
Falling from the top of a
Fifteen metre tall
Old pear tree
Will I shatter?
Will you see?
I think I'll just adore you, blindly
Song written:
Friday, 13.3.2020
Addendum written:
14.3.2020 - 20.6.2020
My new Single! :)
A twenty lines.
As if - for 20 years of my writing?
2000 - 2020
You know how
little-quiet & fierce-red Anna Calvi would have said it
talking about 'your' life...
"Why the hell not!?" :D
Even Johnny Fuckin' Marr could scratch his head on such a bold one!
Because...it is deeper...
There's a little song I wrote just for You...
This way or that way, You could really be my Angel...
(So...in whatever dimension you are - please stop grinning about it, right now!) :)
Started and written
on Friday, 13.3.2020 in a red book. All alone in a quiet house,
slowly, but every line at first attempt - as it is. In about one afternoon.
With no big
alterations at all, apart from word "but" which was later,
I believe
more correctly replaced with the word of the same intended
meaning: "except" &
word "meter" which ended as "metre".
The name of the song was also added after it was written the last line.
Also two "a's" almost became "the's".
More precisely only one for real...
"Falling from a(the) top of a(a)..."
On second "a", it could stand "a" or "the".
After very, very long ponder I decided that "a" should be better..
Otherwise, I find
them very tricky in this example. Grammar sites mention them
peculiarly that I find them in collision and/or interchangeable,
different rules can say similar conclusions.
But that's just mainly, grammar.
Rarely or should I
say - I can't remember when it was the last time that I was so
content with words that no word adjustments were needed. Concise and
profound, one part intuitive thinking and some luck and who knows what else...
*****Began few songs more.
Still didn't
polish/finish and approve for publishing, the one I wanted and
intended. Sorry about that.
It still has to ripe, I guess...
...and I have to go into extremely emotional state and stay there.
I hope You got my long email letter!
If you didn't then
something is seriously wrong. In that case please ask me and I'll
resend it to you directly...
It is just for you to know that someone else genuinely care.
Oh well, because I
deep down would like to believe you've got cotton candy
wrapped around your heart. :)
If you do have
bigger problems as I stated there, please seek for help and please
don't be...(I won't say it)
Would you look at me
now to the side with that slightly cheeky-judging look of
yours, I'd smile back weirdly and mimic-mock you a bit and tickle you.
Sorry you just can't disarm me that easy. :))
Yes I know they are very sharp! :)
Who, me?
I'm not afraid! :D
I don't mean any harm.
Hope you comprehend what I say and why. I know why you could be dissatisfied...
I understand. Really I do.
I can read in between the lines.
Please remember, I
am here for you. Ask me whatever bothers you or anything
else and I will try my best. Confidentiality included.
You are doing real good for me.
You are, therefore I like you.
You are kind of - ordinary but special.
Thank You!
Hope of Deliverance...